Sunday Brunch
Sunday Brunch
Eliana Hidalgo

This edition celebrates the launch of 101 Arte Contemporáneo Ecuador, edited by @eacheve. We talked to Eliana Hidalgo, founder of the institution and editor of the book.

Eliana Hidalgo is a Guayaquil based philanthropist. An art history graduate, she was awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship and has worked in the Department of Latin American Art at Sotheby’s as well as founding her own gallery NoMíNIMO (2010-13).

In 2014 she established EACHEVE to support the Ecuadorian art scene though exhibitions and publications and the promotion of Ecuadorian artists internationally.

Eliana holds a BA in Art History and MA in Arts Administration. She has been collecting art for 19 years, focusing on contemporary artists of her own generation, primarily Ecuadorian although she has recently widened the scope of the collection to include international artists.



POSTED: 7. 09. 2022