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Pedro Gómez Egaña

@pedrogomezegana is a Colombian artist currently living in Oslo, Norway. His research highlights objects and moving images as an investigation into and a reaction to a world gripped by technological, political and cultural speed and immediacy. Through sculptures and installations, he questions and problematises our understandings and experiences about time by developing apparatuses to explore the surroundings.

Gómez Egaña shares with tropical papers about his project at the Oslo Public Library, “Inmeridiem”. Exploring the concept of what a library represents in a city, the artist investigates the river that flows bynear the building; due to the urban development in the neighbourhood, the river has almost been forgotten. Using a stone found in the river, the artist creates an experience that happens only once a day for one person. The visitor can spend 10 minutes with the stone, where Gómez Egaña proposes a self-reflective relationship with bodies and things.



POSTED: @tropicalpapers_24.12.2021