Sunday Brunch
Sunday Brunch
Ryoko Sekiguchi – Felipe Ribon

Ryoko Sekiguchi Felipe Ribon

This first [SUNDAY BRUNCH], inspired by the desire to extend our conversations with Ryoko and Felipe and to share them with you, will be the occasion to present their book Dîner Fantasma. A wonderful book of notes, recipes and memories on the art of welcoming the deceased. (In french)

Thanks to @ryokosekiguchi @ribon.felipe @apolline.deluca and @andresandovalba @mariainesrodriguez_
And all our partners and tropical supporters
#sundaybrunch #tropicalpapers #feliperibon #ryokosekiguchi #mariainesrodriguez

Our residency program is possible through dedicated support from Catherine Petitgas @cpetitgas

The projects of tropical papers are supported by the Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, under the aegis of the Fondation de France