Attention After Technology
Attention After Technology

Attention After Technology, the 2-year project funded by the Creative Europe/European Union, focuses on concerns of equality and inclusion in relation to "attention economies" and algorithms, for instance, how algorithms reinforce biases in a time in which our eyeballs, affects, and time have become some of the most valued goods.


This ambitious project includes artist residencies and a transdisciplinary symposium at Art Hub Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark), a large-scale exhibition presenting new commissions at Kunsthall Trondheim (Trondheim, Norway) and at State of Concept (Athens, Greece), commissioned online projects to be presented at the digital platforms of Tropical Papers (Paris, France), as well as a publication by Swiss Institute (New York, USA).


Participating artists:
biarritzzz, Vivian Caccuri, Shu Lea Cheang, Kyriaki Goni, CUSS Group, Femke Herregraven and Berenice Olmedo 


Attention after Technology:

Online Exhibition at
tropical papers
06.12.23 - 31.05.24

Symposium "The Digital Divide"
organized by Art Hub Copenhagen at IDA

Exhibition at Kunsthall Trondheim
13.10.23 - 28.01.24

Exhibition at State of Concept, Athens
24.02 - 27.04.24


Project Coordinator: @kunsthalltrondheim
The project is led by: @kunsthalltrondheim and @swissinstitute
Project Partners: @art_hub_copenhagen, @tropicalpapers_and @stateofconceptathens
Associated Partners: The Friends of Attention, D. Graham Burnett (@princeton),
Justin E. H. Smith (@univ_paris_cite), and @swissinstitute








Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.