On Residence
On Residence

Our residency programme encourages experimentation, provides endorsement, feedback and visibility to emerging or mid-career artists with a particular focus on projects addressing climate change and global warming, building bridges between the urban and the rural, the ever-evolving new technologies and ancestral knowledge.

Other than the financial support and exchanges with a mentor for 2 to 3 months, the residents also meet important personalities from the international art scene for two-hour online studio visits. During this period, the artists are commissioned to conceive a specific intervention for our digital platforms and social media.

Since 2020, the residents of tropical papers have benefited precious support from personalities including Catalina Lozano, Chief Curator of the Artium Museoa, Spain; Magnolia de la Garza, Director of the Coppel Collection, Mexico; Eva Wittocx, Chief Curator, of the Museum Leuven, Belgium, José Luis Blondet, Senior Curator MOCA, Los Angeles; Mariana Canepa and Max Andrews - Latitudes, Barcelona; Daniella Géo, independent curator, Antwerp.